Vermifuge for dogs and pups: why deworming your pet?
Deworming his dog is important because many internal parasites, better known as worms, are likely to infest his body. If the majority of...
6 things your puppy needs
📷 If you have a new 4-legged member in the family, it is important to know what your specific needs are to give you the best care. We...
Important information about your dog’s legs
📷 Have you ever wondered things like, does my dog ​​have 6 fingers on each leg? or why are my dog’s legs wet? The legs of dogs are not...
Tips on how to make a dog and cat become friends
📷 Are dogs and cats natural enemies? Yes, they are. Dogs and cats are two very different species and they see each other as potential...
Are You Feeding Your Dog the Right Amount?
📷 One of the best ways to keep dogs healthy is to feed them the right amount of dog food. Too little and a dog can suffer from...
Picky pet prescription: What to do when your pet won’t eat her prescribed therapeutic diet
📷 At Petfoodology, we’ve written before about how to get your picky pet to eat. The first thing we always recommend is checking in with...
9 Cool Dog Facts That Explain Why They’re Man’s Best Friend
📷 Dogs have been our trusty companions for thousands of years Ever since early humans domesticated dogs some tens of thousands of years...
Some Common Reasons Why Your Dog Won’t Eat
📷 Many pet owners are used to their pets wolfing down their meals as fast as possible so when a dog won’t eat it can be very upsetting....
10 Tips for Raising a Friendly Cat
These 10 steps will encourage affectionate, bonded behaviour Encourage bonded, affectionate behaviour with these tactics to encourage...